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Business Ad. Poland

Business Ad. Poland
Business Ad. Poland

About Business Administration

Business administration is a broad field that enables individuals to work in variable places like non-profit organizations, healthcare fields and high education boards. In its basic terms, it mainly deals with managing an organization’s resources, time and people. A business administration professional is also responsible for keeping track of performance and making crucial decisions that will result in developing an effective and profitable business.

Study Business Administration in Poland

The Polish higher education system has been evolving greatly. In terms of the number of people enrolled in higher education, Poland ranks fourth in Europe (after the United Kingdom, Germany, and France). Poland has a total student population of nearly 1.5 million. The quality of the education delivered is closely checked and assessed regularly. Also, the business administration program is among the most preferred programs in Poland since the quality of business administration programs are continuing to increase.

Advantages of Study Business Administration in Poland

Poland is Europe’s ninth largest country and a growing popular study location for international students. Even though non-European students pay higher tuition prices in Poland, they are still quite reasonable compared to other popular study locations in Europe. With low study programs and housing costs, local universities provide a decent return on investment. Apart from the financial advantages, Polish people are recognized for their hospitality and unique sense of humor. So, engaging with locals, making friends, and discovering your surroundings will be a lot of fun.

Career Paths for Business Administration Degree Majors

After graduating, you can pursue a variety of career options. The most common ones that are on the rise include business analyst, business consultant, IT project manager, sales manager, office administrator, sports operations manager, advertising executive, market research analyst, and franchising manager. Except for these options, a business administration degree is also a great path to establishing your own company.

What Skills Do I Need to Become a Business Manager?

The skills you need to be required in order to become a business administration professional vary from effective communication, leadership, statistics, problem solving, finance, marketing and economics. 

Is Business Administration Right for Me? 

BBA programs are designed to prepare students to successfully enter the business field. While it is possible to narrow your focus since there are numerous ranges of specific fields that you can choose from, a BBA is ideal for business-minded students. 

How Long Does It Take to Become a Business Manager?

In Poland, most bachelor programs take three years while master’s degree can take either one or two years. 

The Best Universities to Study Business Administration in Poland

The best universities in Poland especially in the business administration field are SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Kozminski University, and Technical University of Lodz. 

  1. SGH Warsaw School of Economics: As one of the top institutions for economics in Europe, SGH Warsaw School of Economics is the oldest economics school in Poland. SGH is a significant hub for research and projects developed by academics, as well as by leaders in business, non-profit organizations, and government.
  2. Kozminski University: Kozminski is a private university which was established in 1993. The school was considered one of the best business schools in the world. Also, Kozminski is the only Polish higher education institution to receive the "triple crown certification" (EQUIS, AMBA, AACSB) which are key international quality accreditations held by less than 1% of business education providers globally.
  3. University of Lodz: University of Lodz is one of the top universities in Poland. It was established in 1945 and today comprises 13 faculties. The university has a multicultural environment since its students are from roughly 95 different nations.

Business Administration Admission Requirement

Firstly, in order to be eligible to apply to a university in Poland, the student needs certificate examinations such as the International Baccalaureate or English Baccalaureate. In terms of language, the student does not need to speak Polish, however, it is required for students to have one of the following certificates: FCE, CAE or CPE for studies in English, DEFL B2 for studies in French or, Zertifikat Deutsch Plus 3 for German studies.

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