

ICES Yurtdışı Bireysel Kariyer Gelişim Uluslararası Eğitim Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti. (Herein shall be referred as “Company”) pays utmost attention to security of your personal data, and demonstrates necessary care to have highest standards of security measures are in place to ensure security of your personal data. Thus, we would like to inform you valuable counselees, potential counselees, employees, employee candidates, visitors, former employees, business partners/suppliers or their employees on Personal Data Protection Act No. 6698 (“KVKK”) and European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) effected in respect to personal data primarily in order to ensure right to privacy as well as protection of fundamental rights and freedom. 

Pursuant to applicable provisions of European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and Personal Data Protection Act No. 6698 (“KVKK”) article 10 “Data Officer Information Obligation” and article 11 “Rights of Concerned Person”; we, in our capacity as data officer, would like to inform you valuable counselees, potential counselees, employees, employee candidates, visitors, former employees, business partners/suppliers or their employees on purpose of processing your personal data, to whom and for which purposes your processed personal data can be transferred, methods for collecting your personal data and legal grounds as well as your rights through this “Information Statement”.

  1. Purposes of Processing your Personal Data

Your personal data will be processed in accordance with personal data processing conditions and purposes stipulated in articles 5 and 6 of the Act No. 6698 in presence of one or more of the following conditions:

  • Facilitation of necessary operations, training and consultancy services in order for natural and/or corporate third party persons, organizations and institutions having a relationship with our Company to benefit from products and services of our Company and/or Company departments,
  • Ensuring safety of life and property as well as legal, commercial and occupational health safety of natural and/or corporate third party persons, organizations and institutions within our Company headquarters and/or departments,
  • Fulfillment of legal and regulative requirements as well as implementing necessary measures arising under applicable laws and secondary regulations such as Labor Law No. 4857, Turkish Trade Act No. 6102, Turkish Obligations Law No. 6098, Law No. 6502 on Protection of Consumers, Occupational Health and Safety Law no. 6331, Personal Data Protection Act No. 6698, Tax Procedure Law No. 213, Social Security and general Health Insurance Law No. 5510, Regulation on Processing of Personal health Data and Protection of Privacy, etc.,
  • Facilitation of inspection and/or regulation duties to be performed by appointed and authorized public organizations, institutions as well as professional organizations having capacity of a public organization,
  • Management of disciplinary investigation processes that are filed/might be filed against Company personnel,
  • Benefit from and being informed about operations, events, campaigns and organizations within the body of our Company;
  • Fulfillment of information and document claims by jurisdiction organs and/or governing bodies,
  • Conduct listing, reporting, validation, analysis operations in respect to use of products and services offered by our Company and Company departments, and accordingly improve our products and services, increase customer satisfaction about our products and services, and personalize such services for counselees and counselee candidates,
  • Perform market researches, inform on campaigns, promotions, evaluate your complaints and recommendations, and directly contact you over the contact information shared with our Company,
  • Facilitate operations such as academic trainings, project applications, publishing, consultancy, etc.,
  • Run all Human Resources processes and policies of our Company,
  • Identifying, development and implementation of administrative and academic processes, business strategies and legal compliance states of our Company,
  • Financial planning and management as well as invoicing of all the offered services,
  • Fulfillment of requests to participate in trainings, seminars, etc. organizations,
  • Carry out risk management and quality improvement operations,
  • Fulfillment of proposals, promotions, exemptions, etc. rights and obligations offered by contracted private insurance companies and/or other organizations in accordance with the established agreements,
  • Taking all technical and administrative measures required for systems and applications as part of data security,
  • Management of employee candidate application processes,
  • Fulfillment of obligations towards employees arising from employment contract and statutes,
  • Management of sub-rights and benefits processes for employees,
  • Carry out finance and accounting operations,
  • Carry out communication operations,
  • Performance of goods and services purchase and after-sales support services,
  • Facilitation of goods and services production and operation processes,
  • Facilitation of customer/counselee relations management processes,
  • Organization and event management,
  • Facilitation of storage and archive operations,
  • Execution of contractual processes,
  • Claim / complaint follow-up,
  • Conducting skill / career development operations,
  • Informing authorized persons, organizations and institutions,
  • Create and monitor visitor and cookie records,
  • Follow up and performance of legal affairs.

In case of one or more of its purposes, it will be processed in accordance with the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of Law No. 6698.

  1. To Whom and For What Purposes Your Processed Personal Data Can be Transferred

Your personal data processed pursuant to Personal data Protection Act No. 6698 and applicable statutes for the purposes limited to those stipulated in “Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data” section of this “Information Statement” in accordance with provisions of Article 4 “General Principles”, article 5 “Conditions for Processing Personal Data” and Article 6 “Conditions for Processing Personal Privacy Data” of KVKK, can be transferred for further processing to headquarters and/or departments of our Company, natural and/or corporate third person organizations and institutions authorized under laws, business partners and suppliers of our Company’s units, contracted natural and/or corporate third person organizations and institutions in and out of the country providing services to or having cooperation with our Company for delivery of products and services, and also to the third persons or domestic and foreign organizations (schools, consulates or visa departments, lodging companies, insurance companies, transportation companies, legally authorized public organizations and institutions as well as their units operating abroad) making cooperation with our Company, if required for delivery of the Company’s services in accordance with personal data processing conditions and purposes stipulated in articles 8 and 9 of KVKK Act.

  1. Methods and Legal Grounds for Collecting Personal Data

Depending on your relationship with our Company, your personal data can be collected verbally, in writing or electronically  using automated or non-automated methods via Company units, internet site, social media platforms and similar means. Your personal data can be updated and processed, and stored on digital and physical media as long as you have a relationship with our Company.

Your personal data can be processed and transferred abroad for performance of the services in accordance with the objectives specified in the following second article and for personal data processing conditions and purposes stipulated in articles 5 and 6 of Law No. 6698.

  1. Ensuring Safety of Your Personal Data by Us and Terms of Storage

Your personal data shall be processed for the purposes limited to those specified in “Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data” section of “Information Statement” in compliance with the data processing and timeout terms stipulated under all other laws and statutes applicable for our Company and Company units. Accordingly, your personal data will be stored for 10 years if there is no ongoing legal relationship, unless a longer term is stipulated under laws. In case of any modification to data processing terms stipulated under laws, new terms shall apply.

  1. Your Rights Pertaining to Personal Data

Provided that the conditions anticipated in article 28 “Exceptions” of KVKK Act are reserved, you are entitled for the following rights in respect to your personal data by filing an application to our Organization per article 11 of the Act;

  • Find out whether your personal data is processed or not,
  • Request information if your personal data is processed,
  • Find out purpose of processing personal data and if they are used for intended purpose,
  • Request information on the third parties in and out of the country to whom your personal data is transferred,
  • Ask for correction if your personal data is processed inaccurately or incomplete
  • Ask for deletion or destruction of your personal data in accordance with the conditions anticipated in article 7 of the Act,
  • Request notification of the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred about any corrected or deleted personal data,
  • Object to any consequences that may arise against you due to analysis of processed data exclusively by means of automated systems,
  • Assert claim for compensation of any damages incurred due to illegal processing of your personal data.

Any applications to be filed to our Company in respect to personal data must be submitted in writing or electronically pursuant to KVKK Act, Article 13, paragraph 1 and the applicable provisions of Communiqué on Methods and Principles for Filing Applications to Data Officer.

  1. Methods of Application

Data owner name, surname, signature if the application is filed in writing, Personal Identification Number for Republic of Turkey citizens, nationality, passport or identification number for foreign nationals, residential or work address for notifications, electronic mail address for notification –if any, telephone and fax numbers and information on the request must be provided in applications to be filed to our Company per KVKK Act pursuant to article 5/2 of Communiqué on Methods and Principles for Filing Application to Data Officer.

It is important that your requests are made clear and dated in order to get a sound response. Thus, you will need to provide required accurate and complete information and documents with this application form, and submit to our Company using following methods.

  • If made in writing;

You may sign and send following Data Owner Application Form as well as information and documents related to the request, if any, to Osmanağa Mah. General Asım Gündüz Cad. No: 37/B Kadıköy address.

If made electronically;

You may fill out Data Owner Application Form1 and submit to our Company’s address info@icesturkey.com.

Depending on the type of your request, responses will be sent as soon as possible and latest within thirty days in accordance with Article 7 of Communiqué on Methods and Principles for Filing Application to Data Officer; and no fees shall be charged for responses up to ten pages, if to be made in writing.

You can access it by clicking on the phrase "Veri Sahibi Başvuru Formu" given under the "Başvuru Yöntemleri" heading in http://www.icesturkey.com/aydinlatma-metni

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